Topic: Luke 12:29-34
The pursuit of God through His Son Jesus is to be our highest aim. It requires an attitude of wholeheartedness, diligence, persistence, confidence, and humility. To seek Him, what actions can we take?
First, we need to study the Scriptures. A structured, ongoing examination of them will cause our faith to grow and provide what we need to for life and godliness. (2 Peter 1:3) Next, we must maintain an active prayer life. Prayer is conversation with God - it includes both speaking and listening. Third, we are to meditate, which involves prayerful consideration of what we read in the Word. This means digesting a passage of Scripture verse by verse and asking the Lord questions about what it means. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we will gain understanding of its application to life. This process helps us absorb His truths so we can live by them.
As we assimilate scriptural principles, we gain wisdom. It becomes easier to identify where the Lord is at work and to evaluate our circumstances in light of His character and plan. We will also recognize when we are to act. As we listen to messages based on God's Word, we will grow in the Lord. Listening includes a desire to hear, a willingness to act, and a determination not to be distracted. Lastly, we should observe how God is working in others' lives, which will benefit us as well.
God promises to reward our seeking. Sometimes we will be blessed with greater understanding, at other times with inexplicable joy. Best of all, seeking always leads to finding Him. (Jeremiah 29:13)
Often when we read large sections of the Bible at a time we may miss some important points. Do you "digest scripture verse by verse" as the devotional author suggests?